About Us
Art Connection via Valerosa offers our Art Connection of East Texas member artists the opportunity to market their art in a creative and collective format.
This site is juried by art promoter Neita Fran Ward and designed by Lightray Photoimagery to put the artists and their art in a virtual gallery setting for anyone to see worldwide.
Some of the art in our artist profiles has been displayed in juried art shows and galleries, and all of it is available for sale.
Allow Art Connection via Valerosa to be your source for exceptional works of art to “lift your spirits and feed your soul.” – Nfw
Neita Fran Ward
Neita Fran’s passion to connect people through Art is the driving force behind her efforts and leadership. She holds a degree in Fine Arts with an emphasis on Interior Design from Stephen F. Austin University.
Her knowledge of and commitment to the Arts here in East Texas is unmatched, and she hosts Art Connection of East Texas, a weekly radio show, every Saturday morning on KTBB 93.5FM.
In the photo, Neita Fran Ward is conducting the first meeting of Art Connection of East Texas members since her gallery closed. During this meeting, several new opportunities, including this website, were introduced by Neita Fran.
Don Bristow
Don Bristow provides the technology for Art Connection via Valerosa and offers the services of his company Lightray Photoimagery at a discount to our artists.
Lightray Photoimagery has been sponsor of the Art Connection of East Texas since 2016, and Don has been a frequent guest of the program.
Pictured is Don with Alexander Newton, son of the former co-host of Art Connection, Sandy Newton.
Doug Carter
Doug Carter is a well known Tyler artist who has been painting seriously since 1996. In addition to Art Connection of East Texas, Doug is a member of the Tyler Art League and has served in many roles including league president. He is also a past member of other Art leagues in South Carolina and north Texas, and his work has been featured by many galleries.
Doug has been involved from the very conception of Art Connection via Valerosa, and his ideas have helped to shape this website.